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Places We Go : A Portland Craftsman Garden

Last year, we looked at the interior of the craftsman house of Tom and Kim in Portland, OR. Originally a one-story, 1913 craftsman, Tom and Kim (who own a building contractor business) have turned this property into a craftsman's dream. Now that we're in the dog days of summer (and record-breaking continual days of 100+ degrees in Portland), let's take a look at the spectacular exterior.

Before we go out to the yard and outbuildings, see those lights hanging on the porch? They're up year-round because with a remote, colors change at will. Right now, they're glowing blue and yellow in honor of Ukraine. Here's a similar unit from Amazon. A super fun idea!

Around the corner from the front porch, the walk is lined with smooth stones. Various hydrangea species fill the flower beds. Lights on black craftsman-style columns line the way to the entrance of a large mahogany deck which doglegs to the right.

Heuchera Forever Red - turns red in the fall. These cora bells remind me of my mom's side yard which was filled with them.

Complete with a black door, the garden shed matches the house. The high fence hides Tom and Kim's travel trailer.

Magic Carpet Spirea is a compact bush of small pink flowers with leaves turning russet red in fall. An extraordinary combination of colors.

Pavers line the beds, pea gravel fills the beds.

Low growing Golden Witt rhododendron. In the spring, it's full of pale yellow blooms.

Twighlight hostas have thick green leaves with a stunning creamy-yellow edge. Pale lavender flowers appear in July.

In recent years, the exterior was refreshed including applying hand-dipped dark green redwood shingles. The yard is full of carefully curated plantings including lilacs - French (syringa vulgaris), Miss Kim (Korean version) and Donald Wyman (syringa x.p preston).

A young Japanese maple. Can't you just tell this yard is set up for a colorful autumn? Other colorful plantings including Norway maple, dwarf burning bush (Eponymous alta) and Gulf Stream heavenly bamboo (Nankin domestic).

A 7' tall Portuguese laurel hedge surrounds the corner lot, providing a thick green fence. Notice that the front gate matches the craftsman house.

Tom also built the matching garage, complete with storage loft. The privacy fencing hides garbage cans and another parking pad. The whole estate is so well thought out and beautiful. I'm proud to write that my brother, Tom, is the builder and sister-in-law, Kim, consults on design and often helps with the actual building. Kim has designed the yard, adding to it over the years and tends it daily. Tom tells me he only helps a few times a year when needed. It is clear they are a perfect team !

To see the interior of this Portland house, please check out ~

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