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Happy Hour : Quick & Sweet Valentines

Every been in a restaurant when it turns "Happy Hour?" You notice the mood instantly changes as everyone is ready for fun. Whenever I'm having a Bad Hair Day, my cure is always a personal Happy Hour. Of course, I'm hopeless addicted to interiors; so for me, this hour is all about decorating. In this series, we'll look at some quick and happy mood changers for our very own Happy Hour. Each should take about an hour - a mere 60 minutes - to perk up our minds and our rooms. Let's get the party started.

Don't you love Valentine's Day? A great time to tell family and friends what they mean to you. P didn't like V-Day as he thought it was too commercial. Knowing that, the most romantic Valentine I've ever received was his long love letter he snail mailed me. You could have knocked me over with a feather. Let's look at some other heartfelt ideas.

When I lived in Portland, I'd buy primroses - wrap in colorful tissue, add a valentine and hand deliver to friends

Last year, I just did a card. I drew a cartoon of me, copied on pink paper and then painted the heart red.

These little hearts are quick to make. Felt squares from Michael's, raid your button box and add some leftover ribbon. I stuffed these with TP. Easy to mail to friends.

Ruthann sent me a photo of her cousin's rock art. She leaves them at friends' houses when invited to dinner, on restaurant tables - anywhere it will make someone smile.

These mugs were on their way to the Salvation Army until I realized I could fill them with Godiva chocolate hearts (bag of 30 for $7 at Costco) and Cuties (tangerines at Safeway). I make these "cards" from leftover paper and ribbon.

I buy 50 of these little bags at a time at the SF Floral Market. They're meant for coursages but oh, so handy.

I'm not big on decorating the house for Valentine's Day, but I do like to set out my little heart collection. This year, I added red sari silk ribbons. I especially love the Waterford heart Liz gave us as a wedding gift thirty-five years ago. I know everyone is super busy - no pressure here! Even a festive text will be welcome this week. In the meantime, Happy Valentine's Day to You!

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