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DecorBook Classic : Christmas at Home, 2021

Are your rooms ready for the holidays? This year, we decided to forgo putting up a Christmas tree. First. Time. Ever. Under the circumstances, it just seemed like too much work. I headed down to the basement to figure out something easy peasy. I reached for the first box and decided that would be my decorating theme. Kinda like Russian Roulette for our rooms. Turns out there was a garland of Christmas Berries, a couple of wicker reindeer and red velvet pillow covers. Luckily, I was in business.

My trusty red velvet pillow covers add instant color ($11 each from Amazon). My IKEA plants are in a photo box ($2 from Michael's).

Last year, I brought a "Christmas Berry" garland for the mantel. Checking the expiration date on red&white air mints in the pantry, the footed dish was loaded up. Those mints last almost a lifetime.

In a second box in the basement were my beloved 99 Cent Store snowflakes and leftover 3M tape squares I use to affix them. Who knew that when I packed all away last year, I'd need something handy. Those snowflakes fill mirrors and window edges to look like drifts of snow. With a shoulder injury, I was a bit limited to what I could do but I did get myself out last Saturday. A couple of Christmas Berry purchases later, our rooms were festive and bright.

First stop was Joanne's for a red berry wreath now sitting atop an urn. The wreath was $59.99 - honestly, who would pay that much? - but I was willing to splurge with a 50% coupon. I sorted through the wreaths to try to find one where the berries weren't broken (showing their white foam insides). I thought I'd use a red marker to cover the broken berries showing white. When I got up to the counter, I asked if the checker could do any better since the wreath was kinda busted up. She smiled and said, "I don't know why more people don't ask. . . how about an additional 40%?" So, with sales tax, I marched out with a $19 wreath. Sometimes, the hunt is the most fun.

After my trip to Joanne's, I went into a really large 99 Cent Store in San Leandro, CA. Remember a few years ago, when Christmas was everything pom-poms? It takes a while for trends to reach this store, but it was fun to see pompom decorations. If I hadn't started down the Christmas Berry theme road, I would have snatched them up.

Pom-pom Christmas trees - $5.99 each.

Also at the 99 Cent Store, handsome bottlebrush trees for $1.99. A classic.

Lastly, I went by the Mistletoe Madness annual bazaar in San Leandro. I didn't buy anything but nice to see it was well-attended.

There was one other purchase - for my bedside table but this red berry garland turned out to be free. I ordered online at Michael's. When I opened the box, many of the red berries were broken off showing white foam. I called to ask about how to return and was told to keep it. Not my intention but I knew that a replacement would come just as damaged and I couldn't find at my local Michael's. Out came the red marker. I used the garland in a Wisteria blue and white jar. The only Santa in our rooms this year is this cutie Ruthie sent me. I love his little metal lantern.

Even though we don't have a tree this year, it looks pretty Christmasy around here. I guess I've learned this week that long days of decorating aren't always a necessity. Oh, I'm sure I'll miss our tree Christmas morning but I won't miss taking it down and those two flights of stairs to the basement. I'd love to know how you're decorating this year. If you have a minute, please send me a photo to In the meantime, enjoy the holidays!

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