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Color Game : Living Coral / 2019 Pantone Color of the Year

Living Coral - Pantone's 2019 Color of the Year - is a perky, optimistic in a South-Beach kind-of-way color. Thank goodness! We need all the cheerfulness we can get right about now. Just for fun, let's see if this color can work in our rooms.

Pantone describes this color :

" PANTONE 16-1546 Living Coral emits the desired, familiar and energising aspects of colour found in nature. In its glorious, yet unfortunately more elusive, display beneath the sea, this vivifying and effervescent colour mesmerises the eye and mind. Lying at the center of our naturally vivid and chromatic ecosystem, PANTONE Living Coral is evocative of how coral reefs provide shelter to a diverse kaleidoscope of color."

Whew! That's a bold description to fit a bold color. I love the idea of coral - but can we live with it in our rooms? As with most things, too much might be just too much. Let's take a look.

Love the cheerful vibe of coral accents.

A painted coffee table or upholstered ottoman might be the perfect touch of coral.

Don't you love this idea? A quick way to introduce any color into a room. Just shop your bookcases.

A perfectly happy kitchen.

Fun with paper lanterns and a bold wall.

Gorgeous in a Greek Villa way.

A whole lot of coral here but it's tempered with woods and black framed art.

Don't you love this cheerful nursery?

Twin beds dressed in all kinds of textures offset by one big coral wall.

Luxurious office in glossy white, chrome and white leather and a cheeky little print.

Coral is a perfect accent color - look how it's transformed a vintage wood buffet.

Coral perks up a navy and white room.

Coral becomes a neutral when pared with a chalk white table.

Coral seems to work best when paired with white, navy, pale blue or natural wood. Does all this coral seem like a bit much to you, too? Me, too. But, I kind of love that this big, happy color makes me feel a bit optimistic. Here's to color working its magic!

P.S. : Additional Pantone Color of the Year articles may be found by looking at PANTONE under categories on right side of screen.

And what is a "color of the year?" Pantone has been choosing an annual color for twenty years. As Pantone describes their annual choices as "color snapshots of what we see taking place in our global culture that serves as an expression of a mood and an attitude.” Look for the Color of the Year to influence fashion and home decor.

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