Happy Hour : Oh, that Wire Shelving
Every been in a restaurant when it turns "Happy Hour?" You notice the mood instantly changes as everyone is ready for fun. Whenever I'm...

Color Game : Art Inspired Red Dining Room
This week, let's take a look back at what was new at DecorBook exactly five years ago. While styles change, one thing I know for sure is...

TWEAKS+inspiration : From Office to Adventure Land
I've finally finished turning my office into my study or as P calls it, "Adventure Land." It's really just a 15 x 13 bedroom on our main...

Happy Hour : Grab a Paintbrush
If you're like me, you're exhausted this weekend. I'm rerunning this Happy Hour in hopes of bolstering enthusiasm for trying a paint...

Color Game : Ultimate Gray + Illuminating / 2021 Pantone Colors of the Year
Happy New Year! Here's hoping you're feeling optimistic and curious about this new year. I know I am. Unfortunately, we're off to a...

Happy Hour : Home Plates, part 1
A look back at a fan favorite (April, 2019). Every been in a restaurant when it turns "Happy Hour?" You notice the mood instantly...

DecorBook Classic : Hangin' with Art
Let's take a look back at the first in this new series (May, 2019) - classic decorating ideas - all easily adaptable in our own rooms....